Marguerite., Washington DC
“I feel far more confident in myself, more assured in my decisions and wants, feel lighter and more hopeful every day. Of course, I still have bad days, but they are not imbued with the feeling that every day will be like that, or worse. I am aware that bad days happen and many good days are ahead. I always have felt that I can trust you with anything, no matter how painful, heavy, or repetitive. It has meant so much to me in a life where I have not had a place to “go” that I have always been able to feel safe with you. It has helped me to become secure in myself, because I know that there is at least one person out there who really has my best interests totally in mind. I also cannot emphasize enough that I would not be the woman I am today without your wisdom and guidance. I don’t know how I would have navigated some truly dark periods without you. And because of you I know that I can do it again and again and again – that the future holds so many joys and challenges and I will get through them, learn from them, and continue to grow and become a better person. Thank you for everything.”
E.R., Washington DC

Sharing a heartfelt thank you for the way you helped me during a hard time. It didn’t just help me through a bad situation, it opened up my mind and I have been realigning my life ever since then. Lots of work to go but I’m so grateful to have met you in just the right moment. It’s simply amazing to think about how you have done the same thing for others and how it dominoes from there. It comforts me to know you are out there changing the world with your kindness, calm and superpowers.

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